Mongo threads
This article is for the man who try to read the source code.
I have to make a lot of memos when I read the large percent of the source code.
This is the summary of it.
Thread name will appear in the log.
For instance,
Tue Feb 5 19:15:33.544 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet syncing to:
The part of [rsBackgroundSync] stands for the thread name.
This thread name will be changed by its phase.
- //">(noname): At the first
- //">initandlisten: The initial phase of mongod. See the mongo-startup sequence diagram.
- //">conn(class MyMessageHandler): The service phase of mongod. Server sock thread.
Call msync() to flush MMAP as the datafiles.
- sleep
- [--syncdelay]*1000 (60*1000 is default , 0 is never)
You can change "syncdelay" parameter online.
admin db.runCommand({'setParameter':1,syncdelay:1})
But I think, This interval of msync() is too long to work.
The kernel will sync mre quickly automatically.
So this can be useless thread !
Write to JOURNAL and DATAFILE (group commit feature)
- sleep
- (journalCommitInterval/3) + 1
This thread will sleep 1 / 3 of journalCommitInterval to check limit of uncommitted bytes.
This is the reason of the "--journalCommitInterval" ranging from 2 to 300
I had wondered it why start from 2 until know it. (^^
- Write to journal
- notify commited to getlasterror, awaitCommit() with "j" option at db/dbcommand.cpp
- write to data files
indexRebuilder : (since 2.4)
Temporary thread.
Try to repair the halfway index when startup.
- sleep
- die after work
When startup, It may detect the crashed halfway building index.
Then this thread retry to build index. ( it'll also obey the "--noIndexBuildRetry" option )
Logging thread ?
- sleep
- 4000
Like as
cpu: elapsed: 4000 writelock: 0%"
This thread seems like it never do important things.
Report warnings and correct stale cursors.
- sleep
- 4000
Output warnings if the number of cursor is more than 100000.
warning number of open cursors is very large: ??
Correct timeouted cursors with...
killing old cursor [id] [ns] idle: ??ms
- timeout of cursor
- 600000 msec
Run the regular tasks.
- sleep
- 60000
Bellow tasks are run in mongos and mongo-client.
- Cleaner (writeback query cleaner)
- DBConnectionPool (staled connection cleaner)
TTLMonitor : (since 2.2)
Correct expired documents.
- sleep
- 60000{"status":1},{expireAfterSeconds:3600})
See startThreads()
Temporary thread.
Merely starts some threads are required for replica set.
- sleep
- die after work
Send hartbeat message to other mongod.
- sleep
- 2000
- Heartbeat request ( & get response)
- Send "update heartbeat" message to rsMgr
- Send "check new state" message to rsMgr
rsMgr on on task::Server
Async messaging framework.
- sleep
- by mutex cond wait
Run lambda function (message) is pushd by someone.
It seems like used by rsHealthPoll mainly.
It seems like work following threads
- rsBackgroundSync
- rsSyncNotifier
- rsGhostSync
But these are too complicated to understand precisely for me...
- sleep
- 1000
First of all, Sync task is for slave, so do nothing when primary.
- Do initial sync at the first time.
- Enter the loop
- Do sync data from OPQueue is inner oplog queue.
in SyncTail::oplogApplication()
- Pop oplogs from OPQueue following to replBatchLimitBytes while considering --slaveDelay.
- Multi apply to me.
- Write lastOp.
- Notify to rsbackgroundsync and rsSyncNotifier.
Read oplog from foreign oplog and queuing to OPQueue.
- sleep
- no wait
- Determin _currentSyncTarget (by getOplogReader).
- Read oplog from network (by OplogReader).
- Push it to OPQueue
I could not understand what is the role of this...
- sleep
- no wait
- Cond wait (will notify from rsSync)
- _oplogMarker.more() : It used to compare with cursor of rsBackgroundSync. Maybe,,,
I'm feeling this thread do logging only eventually...but I also think it's so complicated for logging.
I could not understand the role of the oplogMarker cursor.
rsGhostSync on task::Server
I also could not understand precisely...
- sleep
- no wait
GhostSync::percolate() would be called when a (ghost) slave connected to sync from me in spite of I'm now slave.
percolate() would compare my sync target from ghost slave.
But... I could not found the way of how to avoid cyclic sync.
Watch and notify.
- sleep
- 1000
Be kicked from processGetMore() : db/ops/query.cpp (on rsSync ?)
- Get the event of slave changing.
- Write to local.slaves.
- Notify to other thread. (Maybe used in mongos)
Mongod will create thread for each socket client.