中年engineerの独り言 - crumbjp


Analyze the Analyzer (MongoDB 2.4)

Analyzer problem ?

MongoDB Analyzer sometimes retuns below values that is difficult to interpret.

RS:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().mem
        "bits" : 64,
        "resident" : 127,
        "virtual" : 11292,
        "supported" : true,
        "mapped" : 5262,
        "mappedWithJournal" : 10524
RS:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus({workingSet:1}).workingSet
        "note" : "thisIsAnEstimate",
        "pagesInMemory" : 114700,
        "computationTimeMicros" : 33046,
        "overSeconds" : 1189
resident (MB)
This value stands for how much physical memory is associated with the mongod process's virtual memory.
pagesInMemory (4kb per page)
This value stands for how many mapped pages on the physical memory.

Of course, the mapped pages are in the mongod process's virtual memory.
So the value of resident is to be lager than the value of pageInMemory ( x 4096) !

But I sometimes got below:

127 (MB)
114700 = 448(MB)
Additional notes
$ getconf PAGESIZE

What happens !!?

By mongodb source code

I found all implementation in the "src/mongo/util/processinfo_linux2.cpp".

#FF0000;font-size:x-large;">resident: ProcessInfo::getResidentSize()
The value comes from /proc//stat
#FF0000;font-size:x-large;">pageInMemory: ProcessInfo::pagesInMemory()
The value comes from mincore() system call.

But these looks like correct implementations...

By kernel source code

I finally could grasp the root of this issue.

The value of "resident" is counted by around here
	if (pte_present(ptent)) {
		page = vm_normal_page(vma, addr, ptent);
	} else if (is_swap_pte(ptent)) {
		swp_entry_t swpent = pte_to_swp_entry(ptent);

		if (!non_swap_entry(swpent))
			mss->swap += ptent_size;
		else if (is_migration_entry(swpent))
			page = migration_entry_to_page(swpent);
	} else if (pte_file(ptent)) { 
                // HERE !!!
		if (pte_to_pgoff(ptent) != pgoff)
			mss->nonlinear += ptent_size;

	if (!page)

	if (PageAnon(page))
		mss->anonymous += ptent_size;
The value of "pageInMemory" is counted by around here
mincore() tries to check pages in spite of the pages are out of the PTE.
		if (pte_none(pte))
			mincore_unmapped_range(vma, addr, next, vec);
		else if (pte_present(pte))
			*vec = 1;
		else if (pte_file(pte)) {
                        // HERE !!
			pgoff = pte_to_pgoff(pte);
			*vec = mincore_page(vma->vm_file->f_mapping, pgoff);
		} else { /* pte is a swap entry */
			swp_entry_t entry = pte_to_swp_entry(pte);


We should believe the value of "pageInMemory".
This pages are surely on the physical memory.
To touch pages that is out of the resident(PTE) will cause merely minor page fault.
So this page fault will finish immediately.